To report an incident to the Carlow University Title IX Coordinator, fill out an incident report.

This report can be submitted anonymously or by providing contact information for the Title IX Coordinator or Investigator to reach out to you. It will not be distributed to the police.

Reporting Incidents to Police

Contact information for Carlow Police

Phone (on-campus emergencies): +1 (412) 578-6007

Phone (non-emergency): +1 (412) 578-6005


Question: Can I report the assault to the police without prosecution?

Answer: Yes. Most local law enforcement will take information without requiring the victim to press charges.

Question: What happens if I want to report an assault?


  • Go to the police in the area where the assault took place or call 911. The police will take a report and you have the option to pursue charges/prosecute. You will probably have a follow-up interview with a detective in a few days.
  • Police conduct the investigation. The alleged perpetrator will be arrested if probable cause can be determined.

Question: Will I be identified in the news on TV or in the newspaper?

Answer: In Allegheny County, television and print media have agreed not to identify the victim of a sexual assault. Children, or people who experienced sexual abuse as a child, are identified as Jane/John Doe in all official court proceedings.

Question: What is the process once a report is made?


  1. Police conduct an investigation. The alleged perpetrator will be arrested if probable cause can be determined.
  2. A Preliminary Hearing is held if charges are filed: You will be asked to testify in front of a local magistrate. You become a witness for the commonwealth and an Assistant District Attorney (ADA) is assigned to the case.
  3. Cases approved at the preliminary level are sent to the Allegheny County Court and have a trial date set. About one month before the trial date, you will meet the ADA at a Pre-Trial Interview.
  4. The case could have continuances and postponements, which lengthen the court process. The defendant has the option to choose a plea bargain or request a trial, which could be held with a jury or just the judge. You will testify in the case along with witnesses as needed. The defendant is found guilty or not guilty of all or some of the charges.
  5. Sentencing: You have the option to read a Victim Impact Statement and to tell the judge how the crime has impacted your life.
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Carlow University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Jackie smith at or 412-578-6050.