Students urged to get vaccine before end of spring semester

University Communication to Students

Dear Students,

The Allegheny County Health Department continued to report a heightened level of positive COVID-19 cases this week. Though the number of people being vaccinated is increasing, we still must continue to wear masks, social distance, wash our hands, and clean common surfaces. Important information new for this week:

Students Urged to get Vaccinated

The State of Pennsylvania is urging all students to get at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine prior to leaving the area for the summer. While younger people are not experiencing as severe reactions to contracting the COVID-19 virus, research has shown young people to be effective carriers and spreaders of the virus, thereby putting those with whom they come into contact with at risk. The CDC is asking all states to work with those who may have received their first dose in another state or location to work with all to finish the vaccination process. If you plan to be in a different location, please contact a vaccine provider in the area to which you will be locating.

Vaccine Eligibility and Distribution

Pennsylvania declared all individuals 16 YO or older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. On campus, students 18 YO or older may receive the Moderna vaccine by completing the registration process found here.

Other locations to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the State of PA may be found here: COVID-19 Vaccine Providers (

Testing Results

On campus surveillance testing continues to yield a less than 1% positivity rating. You may find reported results on our campus dashboard here. Asymptomatic testing continues to be offered on campus. You may access the schedule here. If you are symptomatic, please contact Health Services at 412-578-6474 or your Primary Care Provider (PCP).

Campus Sexual Violence Climate Survey

Carlow University is dedicated to fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. In order to do this, we must first get an accurate picture of our campus climate in regard to perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors around sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. We invite you to voice your thoughts on these matters in a short survey.

Start Survey

Please feel free to reach out to the Office of Student Affairs () if you have any questions or concerns.


Healthy Minds Survey Launched

In effort to better understand the prevalence of mental health impacts students are experiencing, the University launched the Healthy Minds survey on April 13. Individual responses will be confidential and provided to the University in aggregate data only. For details and to complete the survey, go here. If this link does not work, please look in your Carlow email box for an email coming from Healthy Minds Study at CU at or contact Dr. Angela Harrington at .

Tutoring and Coaching

The CAA is tutoring and coaching with live online appointments or through email for writing. Students can meet with a tutor for writing, course content or with an academic coach through our scheduling system’s synchronous web feature. Check out the options and make an appointment or call +1 (412) 578-6146, email:

Counseling Services Available

During the pandemic, Counseling Services is fully accessible via a telehealth model. Learn more about counseling services.

Care Team Available

If you become concerned about yourself or others, please submit a report and let the Care team know about needs, questions, or concerns. We will make contact with you to extend help.

Take care and stay safe and healthy,

Timothy P. Phillips, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students

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Carlow University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Jackie smith at or 412-578-6050.