Dear Students,
Allegheny County COVID-19 case rates continue to rise as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, keeping the county in the high-risk category. Details on the “County View” may be found by clicking here. Please take care to consider gathering plans that keep you safe. Important information for you to know this week:
New this week:
Thanksgiving Break Precautions
We hope all of you enjoy time with your family and friends as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Please be mindful that, unfortunately, COVID-19 remains intent on making an unwanted appearance at gatherings. With two weeks until the semester’s end, taking precaution to prevent contraction and spread will be critical. Please consider limiting gathering exposure, getting vaccinated if you are not already, and/or getting a booster while on break.
Symptomatic? Please Hold in Place as Classes Resume
Students who are symptomatic should stay where they are and contact Health Services by calling 412-578-6474 or emailing Please also contact your Primary Care Physician (PCP), along with faculty, supervisors, or other appropriate individuals. Because we have received many questions about what to do when symptoms arise, we remind you to consult the following guidance found by clicking here. Please do not come to campus, attend classes, or learning experiences until you are certain of your health status.
Help Needed? Submit a Care Report
Students who are symptomatic should stay where they are and contact Health Services by calling 412-578-6474 or emailing Please also contact your Primary Care Physician (PCP), along with faculty, supervisors, or other appropriate individuals. Because we have received many questions about what to do when symptoms arise, we remind you to consult the following guidance found by clicking here. Please do not come to campus, attend classes, or learning experiences until you are certain of your health status.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Break!
Timothy P. Phillips, PhD
Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students