The Carlow University CARE Team works with faculty and staff to provide confidential support to promote student well-being, safety and success and advocate for students in or susceptible to high-risk situations. 

The CARE Team: 

  • Investigates relevant reports
  • Compiles necessary information
  • Retains student confidentiality
Logo is a blue horizontal box with two outstretched hands and the words CARE Team in orange and white.

What should I report to CARE?

  • Unusual or erratic behavior
  • Written work or creative expression with troubling themes or references
  • Verbal or written threats made by a student toward another student, faculty or staff member or actions that threaten personal safety
  • Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideations or intent
  • Abrupt changes in student academic performance, class attendance or engagement 
  • Basic needs security (food and housing)

What should I not report to CARE?

  • Students who have never attended a class. (This should be reported to the Registrar.)
  • Academic concerns such as poor test scores. (Academic struggles should be handled internally between faculty and students.)
  • Emergency situations such as acute medical or mental health situations that require immediate attention. (Call 911 and the Carlow Police at the emergency number, +1 (412) 578-6007, if immediate emergency response is needed.)

What happens after I file a report?

Once the CARE Team receives a report, staff works to gather as much information as possible to determine if/when an intervention will be necessary, and what kind of intervention. Often students are contacted with information about on- and off-campus resources that can provide assistance.

Other than receiving confirmation that you submitted the report, you will generally not receive further information or updates in order to protect student confidentiality.

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