New Digital Collections at Carlow Platform

Happy Birthday, Carlow!

In conjunction with Carlow’s 95th birthday and Homecoming, we officially launched our new platform for Digital Collections at Carlow, as announced in our September newsletter. The new site is hosted on Hyku Commons—an open source, collaborative institutional repository system made accessible by academic library consortia—a move that increases our storage capacity from 20GB to 1TB, in turn increasing our ability to create and share digital collections. 

To celebrate our 95-year legacy, we have created small historical collections, which we will continue to add to throughout the year and as we work through the Archives. These collections are:

  • Digital Archives: Carlow’s Presidents
    • Photographs of all of Carlow’s presidents, from 1929 through today.
  • Digital Archives: Campus Photographs
    • A tour of our Oakland campus, as told through a historical lens. These images show us what has changed throughout the years and what has stayed the same.
  • Digital Archives: Historical Documents
    • Documents pertaining to our early history. As of this time, includes an overview of our incorporation with Duquesne University (1929–1933), our original charter from 1933 (granted just in time for MMC’s first graduation), sketches of the original MMC seal, the first academic course catalog, and “The Collected Memoirs of the Class of 1933.”
  • Digital Archives: The First Graduates
    • Contains photographs of and documents about the first graduates from Mount Mercy College, including Sarah McQuade Connell, who graduated in 1932, and the Class of 1933.

We are in the process of uploading content to other collections you will see on the site, including the Carlow Scholars’ Day collection and the Faculty and Staff Scholarship Repository—which will highlight student and faculty/staff research and publications—and the International Poetry Forum collection. We will continue to add content continuously, so check back often!

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