The identifying value of Carlow University is Mercy, encompassing all that we are and do as a university. Inspired by our God of Mercy, this value urges us to open our hearts to our students, our colleagues and our world.

In the tradition of action and contemplation, we:

  • Seek practical ways of addressing need
  • Engage in reflection in order to understand and integrate our experiences
  • Employ education to address unjust structures and dehumanizing situations
A bronze statue of one of Carlow's founding sisters. It is on Carlow University's campus.

The values of Service, Discovery, Hospitality and the Sacredness of Creation further expand our understanding of the power of Mercy to change our world.

  • The value of Service calls us beyond ourselves to prioritize the needs of others over our own self-interest.
  • Through Discovery we open ourselves to the totality of our human experience, to the educational enterprise, to our relationship with the Divine and to the wonders of the world in which we find ourselves.
  • In Hospitality we welcome the wholeness of each person, creating a space in our campus community for all individuals with their varied beliefs, cultures, orientations and abilities.
  • Sacredness of Creation leads us to a respect for each person and for all of creation.
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