Mercy Leaders Reflection: Peace, Hope, and Irish Dancing

Another amazing day with very amazing people! We started off the day by meeting with Sister Mary Reynolds. She gave a brief presentation of the corporal works of mercy. It is amazing to see how the goals of the one and only Catherine McAuley, are adjusted and still used in today’s society. It’s amazing to know so much about her and still be able to learn more and more each day.

After that, we had tea time together. Tea time is a very mellow part of the day. Personally, I enjoy it because it gives me an opportunity to take a step back and center myself before taking on the rest of the day.

Next was our time to reflect after touring the Mercy International Center. Reflection gave us a chance to go back to the room or specific place of the house that stood out to us. I went outside to Catherine’s grave. While I stood there, I gained a sense of peace and hope. It’s almost like you can feel Catherine’s presence there with you.

After that, we had lunch together. Then, it was time to tour Dublin. Sister Sheila took us out into downtown Dublin to show us where most of the Mercy history has happened. It was breathtaking to see the beautiful city of Dublin as well as learn some of the deep history. Then, we had the chance to shop and eat dinner out in downtown.

When we arrived back, it was time to practice our group Irish dance for the talent show. It’s such an amazing time to be with these great people.

Overall, today was another life-changing experience, and I am very thankful and blessed to have this opportunity.

Read more from the pilgrimage.

View photos of Ireland from the Mercy Leaders.

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