Teachers as Writers: Teaching Writing as a Writer


"The best teachers of writing are those who write," Western Pennsylvania Writing Project. In this two-hour interactive workshop, teachers will channel their inner poet. Through first-hand exploration, engage in a variety of fun and inviting approaches to teaching poetry to students in the classroom. Discover ways to make poetry a part of daily writing routines … Continued

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Maxine Greene and the Power of Imagination


Learn about Maxine Greene’s philosophy of aesthetic education and the importance of imagination, how imagination, a key ingredient in creativity, and aesthetic education contribute to her ideas of social imagination and its relationship to social justice, and how these can inform our own education practice.

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Art & Learning: See Like An Artist


Art and Learning: An exciting four-part series that explores the intersection between creativity, cognition, and storytelling. Join us for Part 1: See Like an Artist presented by Leigh Roche and Sarah Zeffiro. Any interested educator, student, or community member is invited to participate.

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Art and Learning: Sensory Storytelling


Explore how technology and interactive experiences bring learning to life through the intersection of communication, science, and art. View and discuss works by EsDelin, Yayoi Kusama, and TeamLab. Any interested educator, student, or community member is invited to participate.

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Art and Learning: Art with our heart


Open your heart and explore social justice, inclusion and Carlow’s Teaching Artist in-resident project "Love is Colorful". Participants will view and discuss works of art by Sister Corita Kent, Andy Goldsworthy, and the Dance For Change Project. Any interested educator, student, or community member is invited to participate.

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Restorative Practices with Teachers


In this session, participants will examine the merger of School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) and School Climate frameworks from the building to district perspective, using multiple data sets that includes all stakeholder perceptions. Register to attend!

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Continuity of Care in Early Childhood Education


This Zoom session will explore the different models of continuity of care in early childhood classrooms, how educators and families can work together to create consistency for young children, and practical ways educators can adapt their programming to support the philosophy. Register to attend!

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Building Culture & Climate

A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology 3305 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

This workshop is designed for future and current leaders seeking to develop or improve their work environment for all stakeholders. We will cover leadership styles, student/teacher relations, Implicit Bias and Deficit Thinking Model, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and alternatives to suspensions.

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Carlow University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Jackie smith at jmsmith@carlow.edu or 412-578-6050.