Join Nicole McCandless, as she presents her new book, “Down on James Street”. Moderated by Joel Woller. Presented by the Cultural Theory-Historical Practices Lecture Series and Carlow University’s Social Justice Institutes.
“The moonlit the riverbank as George and Dorothy each made their way to the teen dance hall. It’s 1935, and sons and daughters of Black and white workers in Pittsburgh look forward to having some fun dancing the Lindy Hop, until the police come in and break up the dance…with their billy clubs. The teens all scatter, but Dorothy has a plan to save the dance. Is George ready to join the fight? Or will he play it safe and just go home to his family?” Down on James Street is based on a real historical incident in 1930’s Pittsburgh.
Published by Hard Ball Press/Little Heroes Press, Brooklyn, Ny, 2021.
Nicole McCandless, Class of 2008, was raised by a few hard-working, fiery women. They passed down a love of reading and gave her the confidence to put words on the page.
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Carlow University will operate remotely on Tuesday, January 21-Wednesday, January 22, 2025.