Dean shares masking requirements for Campus Laboratory School and Early Learning Center

Dear Students,

Reports this week indicate the COVID-19 D-strain is negatively impacting communities throughout the nation. Fortunately, Allegheny County continues to report low infection and hospitalization numbers and a slowly increasing percentage of adults who have chosen to receive at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. We continue to ask for your assistance as we plan for fall 2021 and a fully operational campus community.

New this week:

Reminder: Take part in Carlow’s COVID-19 Vaccination Survey!

To assist with fall planning efforts, we are asking students to voluntarily complete the COVID-19 Vaccination Survey. The purpose is to help Carlow understand, in aggregate form, what percentage of our overall community has chosen to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

This survey will not ask you to provide your name and is completely anonymous. Employees have also been asked to complete a similar survey. Information from this survey will be used to assess the need for health safety materials and services through the 2021-22 academic year. Thank you in advance for your response!

Masking Required in Campus Laboratory School and Early Learning Center

The Campus Laboratory School and the Early Learning Center continue to require masks in these facilities and playgrounds (ELC, Trinity Hall and Tiernan Hall). This holds true for all adults and children regardless of vaccination status. This policy reflects guidance recommendations from Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Welcome Week Fall 2021

Fall Welcome Week will be Aug. 18-22. Please keep an eye out for the full schedule soon! We are excited to welcome student back to campus.

Help Needed? Submit a Care Report

We all need assistance sometimes. If you become concerned about yourself or others, please submit a report and let the Care Team know about any needs, questions or concerns. We are active throughout the year, including the summer session, and will make contact with you to help. You may also contact the Student Affairs office at 412-578-6293 or

Enjoy the rest of your week and be sure to travel safely if you have vacation plans this summer!


Timothy P. Phillips, PhD
Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students

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Carlow University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Jackie smith at or 412-578-6050.