Carlow University Receives DOJ Grant to Address Dating, Domestic Violence

Carlow University will develop a Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Team to address issues pertaining to sexual, dating, and domestic violence. This new team will be formed thanks to a grant for nearly $300,000 ($289.442), from the United States Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW).

“This grant will support Carlow in implementing comprehensive coordinated responses to crimes on campus through partnerships with victim service providers and justice agencies,” said Stephanie Wilsey, PhD, dean of the College of Leadership and Social Change. “Often, the first person to know, other than the victim, about an incident of dating violence or domestic violence is a peer. So it is important to have students, faculty and staff receive education and training on what to do and how to get help if they encounter a victim of violence.”

In addition to on-campus trainings, the grant will fund the creation of a Project Coordinator who will plan project activities, oversee data collection, and serve as the point of contact with internal and external partners, who include Pittsburgh Action Against Rape, the Pittsburgh Police Department, and the Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Unit at Children’s Hospital. This proposal also specifically addressed representation of the LGBTQ community and students with disabilities, as research has indicated that both of these groups are disproportionally affected as victims of sexual, dating, or domestic violence.

This OVW grant was received through the combined efforts of Wilsey; Tim Phillips, PhD, vice president of Student Affairs and dean of students; Keith Cerroni, director of Residence Life; Corrin Culhane, chief of Carlow Police; Mary Fran Reidell, instructor, Nursing; and Dr. Chrys Gabrich, interim director of the Atkins Center for Ethics.

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