Carlow University Holds Earth Day Discussion of Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si

Carlow University will host a discussion of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si, on Earth Day.

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 Carlow Community Shares Perspectives about “Care for Our Common Home”

Pittsburgh, Pa. – To mark Earth Day, members of the Carlow community will share personal and professional perspectives on Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ encyclical critiquing consumerism and irresponsible development and lamenting environmental degradation and global warming.

This conversation will take place on Friday, April 22, 2016, from 12:30 p.m. until 1 p.m. on the second floor common area of University Commons, located at the center of Carlow’s campus.

Sharing their perspectives will be:

Matthew Fagerburg, PhD, an assistant professor in biology, who will offer the scientist’s perspective;

“Pope Francis’ encyclical is a remarkable document, and has received an enthusiastic response from scientists the world over,” said Fagerburg. “Drawing on expert analyses and advice from climate scientists it is a call to meaningfully address the suffering -both human and environmental- that human-induced global climate change threatens to produce.”

Sister Patricia McCann, RSM, a Sister of Mercy as well as a former history professor at Carlow, will provide a spiritual perspective;

Laudato Si is a powerful message about climate change and care for our earth,” said Sister Patricia. “Pope Francis’ message resonates with the ‘Critical Concerns’ identified by the Sisters of Mercy at our community governance meetings.”

Three Carlow undergraduate students, Gina Marie McGowan, Jillian Rubino, and Hannah Rycerz, will also offer their perspectives.

Laudato Si encourages generations of any age and individuals from different backgrounds to start doing something about our world’s climate change,” said McGowan, a sophomore nursing major from Leonardo, New Jersey.  “For the encyclical to be addressed to the whole world about what needs to be done to help our earth really encourages students like myself to keep doing what we can. “

“It’s important for Pope Francis to address Climate Change because it is a global issue and the pope is a global figure.  His influence with Laudato Si spans the entire globe and his message impacts anyone of any faith,” said Rubino, a junior from Elizabeth, Pa., who is majoring in chemistry with a pre-law and political science minors.  “Climate Change is affecting everyone worldwide and Pope Francis clearly illustrates this in his encyclical.”

“Pope Francis calls not just Catholics, but countries around the world to step up climate change initiatives through his encyclical,” said Rycerz, a junior from Johnstown, Ohio, who is majoring in political science and minoring in biology and public policy.  “Time is running out to make a difference, and it is crucial for such an influential leader to be advocating for our earth.”

The conversation is free and open to the public, but seating is limited.

### About Carlow University

Carlow is a private, co-educational, Catholic university located in the heart of Pittsburgh’s “Tech, Ed, and Med” district. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, Carlow’s graduates, curriculum, and partnerships reflect its strong commitment to social justice; ethical, forward-thinking and responsible leadership; and service to the community that has a meaningful impact. Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in three major areas: Health and Wellness, Leadership and Social Change, and Innovation and Learning. Carlow graduates are in demand for their professional expertise, in fields ranging from nursing, the sciences, and perfusion technology to counseling, education, and forensic accounting; their entrepreneurial spirit and creative mindset; and their ability to manage change.  Our student-athletes compete on eleven different teams, including men’s basketball and men’s and women’s golf—and our mascot is Shammy—the cute green shamrock that is a reflection of the university’s Irish heritage and roots.

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