Carlow at the Women’s March on Washington

Junior Cheyanne Swaney took her grandmother to the Women’s March in Washington, DC.

Dr. Jennifer Roth and a contingent of Carlow students (with hats knitted by some of the Sisters!)

My grandmother, a retired Pittsburgh steelworker, fought for women’s restrooms, wage equity and union rights throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s. The Women’s March was not her first political protest, and it isn’t likely to be her last.

I don’t know what the history books will write about us, but they will write and I can say that I witnessed a moment of communal human compassion and respect. For a moment, we saw the world shrink just a little bit. When I looked at the faces in the crowd it was not “me” or “you.” It was us. We stood with our brothers and sisters of all races, all ages, all sexual orientations and genders. We held hands with immigrants and chanted for the safety of refugees. We gave high-fives to Muslim Americans and the police officers who watched us pass by. I could almost grasp the enormity of what we were doing that day and how it would change the rest of our lives.

Why do you march?

heading toward the White House

marchers and their signs Sharron Rapp, retired steelworker and union advocate (and Cheyanne’s grandmother)a couple sits on the sidewalk with a We the People poster

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