Choosing the right college or university can be a challenge. Some  information you need may not be covered in documentation or campus tours. Whether you’re looking at Carlow or another university, here are questions you should ask.

  • What are the differences between rolling and deadline admissions?
  • Do I need letters of recommendation and an essay with my application?
  • Is the school considered co-ed?
  • Are SAT, ACT or CLT scores weighted more heavily when I am being considered for admission?
  • What were the average SAT/ACT/CLT scores for the most recent incoming freshman class?
  • What is the average grade point average for the most recent incoming freshman class? 
  • What are my chances of being accepted?
  • What factors are considered in acceptance?
  • What is the typical class size?
  • What is the average student-to-faculty ratio?
  • What is the job placement rate after graduation?
  • What percentage of graduates find work in their field?
  • Are seniors the only students who can use the career development office?
  • What workshops are offered for underclassmen to help them prepare for the working world?
  • How much does it cost to attend?
  • Are academic and athletic scholarships available, and if so, can they be combined?
  • Is institutional money available to help students?
  • What is the size of the average financial aid package, and what percentage of students receive free money?
  • What if family finances change?
  • Are special circumstances taken into account?
  • What types of payment options are available?
Students talk and read at an outdoor table on the Carlow campus.
  • How much college credit can I receive for taking AP courses in high school?
  • How many courses are taught by teaching assistants vs. professors?
  • How does faculty advising work?
  • What are the universally required courses?
  • Are professors willing to help students?
  • What types of support is offered for students who find the move from high school to college life difficult?
  • Are classes more focused on lectures or are they more interactive? 
  • Are internships available? Where do internships normally take place?
  • Does the school have an honors program?
  • How safe is the campus?
  • How secure are the residence halls?
  • What types of activities are offered to students?
  • What special programs are offered for minority students?
  • What is the most difficult part about adjusting to college?

Once you inquire or apply, you will be assigned an enrollment counselor to help guide you through the enrollment process.

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