Pay your account balance conveniently and quickly using Self-Service. Using Self-Service, you can inspect your invoice, financial aid award and any needed aid documents. You can find information about your Carlow payment plan, financial aid, employer reimbursement deferral plan or payment by third party.
▸ For step-by-step instructions, read or download Online Payment Instructions [pdf].
Payment options include credit card, electronic check or in-person at the cashier’s office in Antonian Hall, or by mail.
To pay by mail: Pay by mail with check (put name, student ID number and what you are paying for on check) to Carlow University, Cashier’s Office, 3333 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
The University has contracted with card processor Official Payments to accept credit card payments. A 2.9% service fee will be charged by the vendor on all University, Campus School and Early Learning Center student account payments. There is no service fee when you pay for Carlow Cash, transcripts, bus passes, parking permits/fines, Campus School Food Funds or other nonstudent account transactions. Place-holding deposit payments and gift donations processed through Advancement will also be exempt from the service fee. The service fee goes directly to Official Payments to cover the fees charged by credit card companies.
Carlow University will operate remotely on Tuesday, January 21-Wednesday, January 22, 2025.