If you are starting classes this semester, use the checklist below to help make your transition into Carlow University as smooth as possible.
Ensure that all your network accounts are activated. Students can attempt to log in 48 hours after accepting offer of admission.
The offices of Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and University Registrar are here to be your one-stop shop.
The B&N Bookstore is conveniently located on campus in the University Commons to supply the textbooks and accompanying material to help you ace your classes.
All students are assigned an academic advisor in their respective departments. This faculty member will be a great resource who will help you with course selection, provide mentoring and guide you in your academic pursuits.
Did you know:
We offer a comprehensive collection of online and print resources. Don’t know how to use our resources or just want to check out a great book?
You can get your student ID at Orientation. You can also get your ID by visiting the Dispatch Center in Frances Warde Hall. Students must be registered for classes 48 hours prior to obtaining a student ID.
Finding your way around campus is easy—here’s a map to guide your travels.