KARIN LIN-GREENBERG’s first story collection, Faulty Predictions, won the Flannery O’Connor Award in Short Fiction from the University of Georgia Press and won gold in the Short Story category of Foreword Reviews’ INDIE Book of the Year. Her second story collection, Vanished, won the 2021 Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize in Fiction and was published by the University of Nebraska Press on September 1. Her debut novel, You Are Here, is forthcoming from Counterpoint in May 2023. Her stories have appeared in literary journals including The Antioch Review, Boulevard, Colorado Review, Epoch, Shenandoah, The Southern Review, Story, and Virginia Quarterly Review, and she was a finalist for the Chicago Tribune’s 2018 Nelson Algren Award. Her story “Housekeeping” received a Pushcart Prize and was listed as a Distinguished Story of 2020 in Best American Short Stories 2021. She lives in upstate New York and is an associate professor in the English Department at Siena College. She also teaches in Carlow University’s low-residency MFA in Creative Writing program.
Carlow University will operate remotely on Tuesday, January 21-Wednesday, January 22, 2025.