Dean shares Student Government election results, Commencement week activities

Dear Students,

The Allegheny County COVID-19 positivity rates continued to trend upward this week. However, case rates on campus remain low and Pittsburgh remained in the “low” CDC community level category. Details on the “County View” may be found by clicking here. Please be mindful as you are traveling and gathering with those who may be vulnerable.

As you end finals week, here is additional important information for you to know.

New This Week:

Mercy Service Student Survey

The Office of Mercy Service wants to know if you participated in service during the academic year. Please fill out this short survey to give them some information by clicking here.

Summer Graduation Applications

Students completing their degrees or certificates this summer need to submit a grad app in Self Service. Once in Self Service, click the graduation cap on the left menu bar or Graduation Overview on the main page to access the application site. Contact the Registrar’s Office at if you have any questions. 

Carlow Student Technology Survey

Help us understand what you need to succeed! We are asking students to take a short survey to provide information about how they use technology. To complete this, please click here.

Student Government Officers for Academic Year 2022-2023

Congratulations to the following students who were elected to the SGA Executive Board for the 2022-2023 academic year:

President Ashley Svec
Vice President Juliette Rainey
Treasurer Taylor Claypoole
Secretary Karlie Pavlic
Public Relations Heidi Niemtimp
Food Liaison Julia Stipetic

Student Activities:

Thursday, May 5 from 5 – 7 p.m. @ Antonian Theater: Graduate Wine and Cheese Reception

The Alumni Council invites you to celebrate your upcoming graduation with a wine & cheese reception on April 5, 2022, from 5 – 7 p.m. Join us for an evening of food, drinks & celebration for your achieved success heading into Commencement weekend! Register here.

Friday, May 6 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. @ Heyl Theater: Honors Convocation

Join us as we celebrate the achievements of students, staff, and faculty over the academic year. A reception will follow the event on the second floor of the University Commons.

Friday, May 6 from 7 – 9 p.m. @ Gailliot Center: Dorothy Louise Holley Memorial Reading Series

A reading by poet Judith Vollmer. Attend in person (masked) or virtually (Zoom livestream, RSVP here). Free and open to the public. Reception and book table after the reading.

Friday, May 6 from 7 – 9 p.m. @ Campus Green: Goodbye on the Green

The Office of Advancement & Alumni Engagement invites our Undergraduate Seniors to celebrate commencement week with a Goodbye on the Green! Enjoy free food, games on the green and make a s’more around a toasty fire as we welcome you to the Alumni Association. Register here.

Saturday, May 7 from 12 – 1 p.m. @ Gailliot: Interfaith Baccalaureate Ceremony

Graduating students, friends, and family join us for a celebration of your accomplishments with an interfaith event as part of the Commencement weekend celebrations.

Saturday, May 7 from 1 – 3 p.m. @ Campus Green: Commencement Barbeque

Enjoy a barbeque luncheon as part of our Commencement festivities. Graduating students will have plenty of opportunities to take photos on campus to make some memories.

Saturday, May 7 from 7 – 9 p.m. @ Gailliot: Graduation Bingo

Graduating students get your bingo cards ready for a grand gradation bingo night! Enjoy some of your favorite local snacks and have a chance to win some pumped up prizes.

Sunday, May 8 at 12:45 p.m.@ Soldiers and Sailors: Commencement Ceremony

We will honor and celebrate the achievements of the Carlow graduating classes of December 2021, May 2022 and August 2022. To find more information regarding the event, please look for details on the Carlow Commencement page.

Spring CUT Poetry

The Carlow University Theatre Spring 2022 Pan Poem Project is now up and running. Please check out the following links to find students, alumni, faculty, and staff presenting their favorite poems. Hope you enjoy! If you are a Carlow student, faculty or staff member, you can view the video here: Pan Poem Project. If you do not have a Carlow account, please view the video by clicking here.


Carlow R.E.A.D.S. Book for AY 22-23 Announced

The Carlow R.E.A.D.S. committee is excited to announce the 2022-2023 common reader selection, Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World by Vivek H. Murthy, MD. In his 2021 release, the 19th Surgeon General of the United States “explores the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community” (“TOGETHER,” 2020). Taking a deep dive into the broad effects of loneliness, this text provides strategies readers can apply to their own lives and opportunities to join together as a community and engage in important conversations. Look for information to come about copies available through the library and other campus offices (ISBN-10: 0062913298).

Copier Trouble? Submit a Ticket or Call the Mailroom

As the semester comes to a close, the copiers are used frequently. If you encounter a problem like empty paper trays or a jam you cannot clear, either submit a ticket by emailing or call the mailroom at 412-578-6127.

Scholarship Opportunity for Humanities and Social Science Students

Applications for the Sister Rose Marie Hauber Endowed Scholarship are now open! Endowed by the Carlow University Alumni Association in honor of its beloved first moderator, Sister Rose Marie Hauber, RSM, PhD, this scholarship is awarded annually on a competitive basis to a full-time humanities or social science major. Awarded for two years, the selection criterion includes academic achievement and exemplifying the Carlow Mission. Applications are due by May 20, 2022. For any questions, please contact the Office of Advancement & Alumni Engagement by emailing .

SUMMER STAY Program Available for Undergraduates

Now, Carlow undergraduate students, or guest students from other accredited colleges and universities, have the opportunity to stay on campus for free this summer when registering for six (6) or more credits. Carlow students can schedule summer classes by going to the Self-Service link on our Isadora intranet (log in required).

If interested in the Summer Stay free, on-campus housing, contact Erin Boyles in Student Affairs at or 412-578-8774, and let her know you have also registered for six (6) or more credits.

Interested in Residential Living for Summer or Fall 2022?

If you are interested in living on campus in the residence halls this summer or fall, please contact the Office of Student Affairs for more detail at or 412-578-6293.

Help Needed? Submit a Care Report

Students occasionally struggle with affordability, academic barriers, and connecting to community resources. If you become concerned about yourself or others, please submit a report and let the Care Team know about any needs, questions or concerns. We are active and will contact you, or those you refer, to help. You may also contact the Student Affairs office at 412-578-6293 or .


Timothy P. Phillips, PhD

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Carlow University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Jackie smith at or 412-578-6050.