Alumni, like you, who volunteer throughout the year, make all the difference in students’ lives. We often hear current students boast about the Carlow Community and its positive impact on their educational journey saying, “There’s just something special about this place.” What alumni learn, is that it wasn’t the place, but the people. As an alumni, your unwavering support ensures that the Carlow Community continues to thrive class after class.
Host a fundraiser to benefit Carlow or hold a lunch and learn about Carlow’s professional development options
Stay in touch with your classmates, share news & encourage financial support
Join your class committee to help plan Homecoming weekend
Talk with prospective students, attend college fairs, refer students and write testimonial letters
Welcome Carlow’s newest arrivals at the New Student Orientation, or help out at the Activities Fair, Night of the Celtic & the Ice Cream Social, all in August
Welcome Carlow’s newest arrivals at the Help plan the spring Alumni Scholarship Benefit to raise money for student scholarships
Contact us for volunteer opportunities!