Matthew E. Gordley Named Inaugural Dean of Carlow University’s College of Learning and Innovation

University Communications For Immediate Release
Drew Wilson, Director, Media Relations March 03, 2015
412.578.2095 (phone)
412.578.2080 (fax)

Currently Serving as AssociateDean of Academics at Regent University School of Divinity

Pittsburgh, Pa.- Matthew E. Gordley, PhD, has been named inauguraldean of the College of Learning and Innovation at Carlow Universityeffective July 1, 2015. He has been serving as AssociateDean of Academics, Regent University School of Divinity (Virginia),since 2011 and as a faculty member at the institution since2005.

“The founding dean of the College of Learning and Innovation willbe instrumental in advancing Carlow University as a destinationuniversity, renowned for academic rigor, innovation, andscholarship and in further connecting the university with thecommunity and beyond,” said Carlow University President SuzanneMellon, PhD. “Dr. Gordley is a visionary thinker committed tostudent success and an enhanced educational experience, which willprovide our students with a competitive advantage when theygraduate from Carlow.”

An engaged scholar and accomplishedacademic leader with a deep and demonstrated commitment toexcellence in undergraduate and graduate education, Gordley hasheld numerous faculty and leadership positions in his nearly 12years in academia.

During his tenure at RegentUniversity, he oversaw initiatives in support of an education thatoffers students the ability to grow intellectually and personallythrough their interactions with dedicated and exceptional faculty,such as improving the advising model to better serve its growingand diverse student body. Additionally, he collaborated withfaculty, administration, and accrediting agencies to revisemaster’s degree program content and length to meet the changingneeds of contemporary seminarians while maintaining academicrigor.

Prior to assuming the role ofAssociate Dean, he served as Chair of the Department of Religionand Philosophy at Regent University where he oversaw growth inenrollment and spearheaded the design, creation, and implementationof online, hybrid and residential undergraduate curricula for threemajors in the department.

“Dr. Gordley’s collaborative andenergetic academic leadership style is deeply-rooted in hiscommitment to leading faculty as they pursue their vocations asteachers and scholars, and in helping students reach their fullpotential,” said Interim Provost and Vice President for AcademicAffairs Deanne D’Emilio, JD. “He has a history of establishing andputting into place processes and initiatives that champion studentsand their potential. We look forward to his leadership.”

Gordley received a PhD in thearea of Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity from the Universityof Notre Dame, a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from AllianceTheological Seminary and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics andChristian Education from Wheaton College.

In 2014, a faculty-driven initiative led to the reorganization ofCarlow’s existing academic structure and the creation of three newcolleges. Designed to foster distinctive learning, diversifyprograms and formats, and grow partnerships, this new academicstructure will propel the University forward into the futurealigned with the strategic plan and new vision. The College ofLearning and Innovation is comprised of Art, English, MFA, Women’sStudies, Humanities (Philosophy, History, Math, Theology), NaturalSciences (Biology, Chemistry), all Education programs, the FirstYear Experience, and the CoreCurriculum. 


About CarlowUniversity

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,Carlow University was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1929.Offering both undergraduate and graduate programs, CarlowUniversity is a comprehensive master’s institution dedicated tolearner-centered education at the collegiate levels and at theelementary school level in the Campus School of CarlowUniversity.




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