Carlow University Offers Medical Equipment and Facilities in Fight Against COVID-19

Marketing and Communications For Immediate Release
Drew Wilson, Director of Media Relations March 31, 2020
(412) 260-6807 (phone)

Pittsburgh, Pa. – Carlow University has offered its medical equipment and facilities in its College of Health and Wellness to health care providers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Carlow’s College of Health and Wellness is home to the nursing and respiratory care programs. Lynn George, the dean of the college, said that Carlow President Suzanne K. Mellon had asked for a survey of resources that could be offered to health care providers in need in the event that a surge in cases causes an overflow in area hospitals.

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) has now reached out to us about any ventilators we have that could be shared if the need arises,” said George. “We have shared our list of supplies available for emergency use with them.”

In Carlow’s Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care program, students learn in a replicated hospital setting utilizing ventilators, which can help patients breathe or breathe for them, and other equipment within the Celtic Simulation Center for Innovative Learning (CSCIL). The program has five operating ventilators, three single rooms with beds, a nine-bed ward, and an exam room that could be transformed into a patient space, George said.

George said Carlow is happy to help and proud that graduates are on the front lines of the pandemic, fighting to heal the sick.

“Carlow University, as one of our region’s premier academic institutions, has a long history of preparing health care providers for practice,” she said. “During this time of crisis, and consistent with our mission to prepare graduates to lead in the creation of a just and merciful world, we are offering to help.”

George said they’ve not yet heard from any health care facility that wants to utilize Carlow’s space.

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