Carlow University Receives $210,000 Challenge Grant from Richard King Mellon Foundation

The Richard King Mellon Foundation awarded Carlow University a challenge grant of $210,000 to help with expenses students may incur due to COVID-19.

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Drew Wilson, Director, Media Relations August 24, 2020
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Grant Will Be Used to Support and Retain Current Students Facing Hardships from COVID-19

Pittsburgh, Pa. – Carlow University has received a $210,000 challenge grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation to support and retain students facing hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Carlow will raise the matching funds from donors, alumni, and other sources. The Richard King Mellon Foundation grant and matching funds will add significantly to the University’s ability to further support its students.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on Carlow University and the undergraduate and graduate students we serve,” said Suzanne K. Mellon, PhD, president of Carlow University.  “We are grateful to the Richard King Mellon Foundation for understanding the challenges students and universities are confronting and their rapid response in a global pandemic to assure students are able to continue their education.   These funds will allow Carlow to assist a larger number of students with emergency support for tuition, room and board, and technology needs.”

Before the pandemic, 47 percent of Carlow’s undergraduate students were eligible to receive PELL grants; these student’s families are unable to contribute financially to their education.  Additionally, 92 percent of Carlow’s undergraduates receive institutional aid for tuition and fees.

While the majority of the grant funds will assist students, a small percentage will be reserved for the numerous expenses associated with the shift to more remote and virtual learning, such as systems and computer upgrades, cameras for video conferencing, and the significant inventory of personal protective equipment needed to provide a safe campus environment.

When the pandemic first began, Carlow received many requests from alumni and friends asking how they might help.  To date, more than 550 students have received emergency support. The average request from students is less than $2,000, but can be the deciding factor in whether or not a student can return to school.  Many students, and their parents, have experienced job losses during the pandemic and are experiencing financial difficulty.

“Carlow is extending students as much support as possible and will continue to do so,” said Dr. Mellon.  “The funding from the Richard King Mellon Foundation will have a meaningful impact on our ability to help students as we continue to navigate this unprecedented health crisis.”

### About Carlow University
Carlow is a private, co-educational, Catholic university located in the heart of Pittsburgh’s “Eds, Meds, and Tech” district. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1929, Carlow’s curricula and partnerships reflect its strong commitment to social justice; ethical, forward-thinking and responsible leadership; and service to the community that has a meaningful impact.  Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in two colleges:  the College of Health and Wellness and the College of Arts and Sciences.  The College of Health and Wellness includes the departments of Nursing, Respiratory Care, Healthcare Data Analytics, Health Management, and graduate degrees in Speech-Language Pathology and the Physician Assistant programs.  Graduate programs in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy will soon be added.

Carlow University also believes in the education and growth of students both inside and outside the classroom, where they can join student government, clubs, and academic honorary societies where they can develop skills in judgment, leadership, analysis, decision-making, and communication.  For student-athletes, Carlow’s 14 athletic teams are known as the Celtics, a reflection of the university’s Irish heritage and roots.

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