Mercy Leaders Reflection: Western Coast

Throughout the past week, we’ve ventured from the eastern coasts of Ireland to the western coasts, stopping at a few places along the way. Experiencing so much along the way, we were finally able to slow down for a moment upon entering The Holy Rosary Church. While sitting in mass, I personally reflected on this experience I was given to venture across the ocean and explore the history, culture, and customs of the Irish. It was so nice to sit inside a quaint yet beautiful building.

Even though the church sat within the hills of a small coastal town, there was nothing left out. The church in Doolin was similar to the churches of Dublin and the other bigger towns that we visited, which depicted the importance of religion throughout the Celtic communities.

At the conclusion of mass, the priest greeted everyone outside with a warm smile. Similar to most of the people on the western coast, he was smiling and happy to talk with us, asking where we were from and what our travels consisted of.

After mass, we travelled on country roads to the Cliffs of Moher. The wind was incredible! I stood atop a bench to get a better picture of the sight, and a gust of wind came and nearly knocked me on my butt. When I was standing on the bench, I saw a familiar sight from the best fictional series ever: Harry Potter. (It was the scene from the sixth movie when Dumbledore and Harry go searching for the horcrux inside the cave on the cliffs). There are not words to describe the beauty of the cliffs.

Read more from the pilgrimage.

View photos of Ireland from the Mercy Leaders.

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